tests profiles
- Fertility profile
- General checkup
- Lipid profile
- Liver profile
- SMAC 20 profile
- Thyroid profile
- Tumor Marker Profile
- Vitamins profile
- Vitamin profile (annual check-up)
- Kidney Profile
- Telomer Index T/S: Indicator of cellular aging
- Food Tolerance profile (221 aliments)
- Food Tolerance profile (50 aliments)
- Oxidative stress profile
- Antioxidant profile
- Fatty acids profile
- Cardiovascular and inflammatory risk assessment
- Endocrine status men
- Endocrine status women
- Nutritional biochemistry
- Trace elements profile
- Vitamin profile (post-treatment check-up)
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Uric Acid
Uric acid test measures the amount of uric acid in your blood or urine. Uric acid is a normal waste product that is made when the body breaks down chemicals called purines. Purines are substances found in your own cells and also in some foods such as liver, anchovies, sardines, and dried beans. Most uric acid dissolves in your blood, then goes to the kidneys. From there, it leaves the body through your urine. If your body makes too much uric acid or doesn’t release enough into your urine, it forms crystals in your joints. This condition is known as gout. Gout is a form of arthritis that causes painful inflammation in and around the joints. High uric acid levels can also cause other disorders, including kidney stones and kidney failure.