tests profiles
- Fertility profile
- General checkup
- Lipid profile
- Liver profile
- SMAC 20 profile
- Thyroid profile
- Tumor Marker Profile
- Vitamins profile
- Vitamin profile (annual check-up)
- Kidney Profile
- Telomer Index T/S: Indicator of cellular aging
- Food Tolerance profile (221 aliments)
- Food Tolerance profile (50 aliments)
- Oxidative stress profile
- Antioxidant profile
- Fatty acids profile
- Cardiovascular and inflammatory risk assessment
- Endocrine status men
- Endocrine status women
- Nutritional biochemistry
- Trace elements profile
- Vitamin profile (post-treatment check-up)
all tests
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Trace elements profile
As catalysts of enzymes and hormones, trace elements are essential for the proper functioning of metabolic, hormonal and immune systems in the body. Yet, overdose may be toxic, thus making it important to measure them reliably and regularly.
Trace elements profile includes the following tests:
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Magnesium
- Magnesium in RBCs
- Copper
- Chromium
- Nickel
- Manganese
- Cobalt
- Aluminium
- Cadmium
- Mercury
- Lead
Sample natures
- 1 tube of 2 ml + 1 tube of 1 ml heparinized whole blood on tube without separating gel
- 1 ml EDTA whole blood on tube without separating gel
- 2 tubes of 2 ml + 2 tubes of 1 ml plasma in a tube for trace elements
- 2 ml heparinized whole blood on tube without separating gel
- Sample to be stored at + 4°C
- Sample to be stored at frozen
- Sample to be stored at room temperature